My triathlon coach emailed me to say that since both of the triathlons our team did this season were "Tri Goddess" triathlons, she'd decided to give each of us a goddess nickname. My nickname is Galateia, after the sea nymph goddess. Talk about getting you in the feels.
I had a Sherlock-ish dream last night. I can't recall the entire dream but at one point I was sitting at a bus stop downtown in my city and overheard two men arguing loudly about where they should go for dinner. I turned in my seat and spotted them out of the corner of my eye and it was John and Sherlock. Only my dream self didn't recognize them; they were just two guys waiting for a bus. Sherlock was arguing that the door handle wasn't correct for a proper Chinese establishment and John just kept asking things like, "Why is it always an argument with you?" They were getting louder and louder, hands flailing, and everyone around me -and myself- was getting more and more annoyed by them until finally their bus pulled up and they boarded, arguing the entire time. The bus pulled away and someone around me said, "Thank god." And that's all I remember of the Sherlock part.
Not only does my brain not supply me with hot and steamy John/Sherlock, my dream self doesn't even get to recognize them. Dream state fail.
How much of a slug am I today? I still haven't dressed. But I want to have Chinese (dream influenced, yes) with my Doctor Who tonight and I need to get myself out of this chair to make that happen.
Tri training should be done but it's an addiction, I swear. First one friend from my tri group emailed to ask if I wanted to go for a run next week. Then another emailed me about running. I'm not even a good runner. And just now I booked a bike ride with a group another day. We can't seem to help ourselves. What? No triathlons till 2013? We'll just pretend.
Speaking of 2013, my tri coach is looking at a triathlon in Virginia in early May or mid-June next year. Personally, I'm looking at an indoor tri in January (swimming pool, bike on a trainer, run on a track), a dinosaur-themed tri in May (yes, just for the T-rex tri top why do you ask? *G*), a very cool local kayak/bike/run tri next July (as long as it's not the same weekend as Comic-Con), and doing one in Seattle or Portland (
lauramcewan, I may finally be in your 'hood when I'm out west) in August.
It's crack.
104 days to The Hobbit.