I'm fascinated with the idea of karma -- what you put out in the world is what you get back, sort of thing. I can't imagine some all-powerful being administrating such a system, but it almost seems as if it is some kind of natural law. I've certainly seen the effects of it in my personal life.
I've been thinking about this recently and wondering how karma would affect whole nations or races. As a nation we are racking up a lot of bad karma recently-- attacking Iraq and the slaughter there, the torturing and
death of prisoners in our custody, destroying the planet for the profit of a few-- not to mention historically.
I think I can see how the karmic payback will play out. Everything our country supposed stands for seems to be imploding slowly-- our rights and liberties are being trashed, we are becoming less free and more authoritarian, climate change is playing havoc on weather patterns. Some of us aren't all that concerned yet because we don't think that it will affect us personally, but I think what we are seeing is just a beginning. I think that my children, aged 2 and 11 (and their contemporaries) will experience the brunt of this group karmic payback. This is why even when I get overwhelmed by how much bad karma my government keeps spewing out into the rest of the world, I know that I need to keep trying to work for the world I'd like to leave behind.