My husband sent me this link to a talk given by Sam Smith to the Green Party of Montgomery County, called
Finding Greener Pastures and Greener Voters which I thought was well done. The whole article is a must read for those involved in the Green Party, but here are few bits from that talk:
"The pride also comes from
something that is still unappreciated by many Greens and certainly
ignored by the media - namely that based on public opinion polls,
Greens - despite their meager electoral showing - are the party
that best reflects the view of a majority of Americans on such
issues as the Iraq war, the environment, health care, campaign
financing, population growth, genetically modified foods, and
marijuana use."
" . . a shocking
amount of nonrenewable energy has been expended on arguing whether
supporting David Cobb or Ralph Nader was the right choice. Yet
together these candidates received less than one half of one
percent of the vote. Looked at another way, the candidates together
received 2.3 million fewer votes than Nader had in 2000.
"The important thing, however,
in discussing all these matters is for Greens to remember that
they are members of the same team, selecting the next play not
to prove their virtue but to improve their mutual position. The
virtue they can take for granted; the position will be determined
by each day's practical choices. If there is any virtue to be
consciously observed during these difficult decisions it is that
of kindness towards each other."
That last bit about kindness toward each other may be the hardest part for those involved in Green and progressive politics.