Carnival of the Green #6

Dec 12, 2005 06:01

Welcome to Carnival of the Green #6!

I'm hosting this week's carnival and I've really enjoyed seeing all the green blogs and ideas out there. Thank you to the Carnival's previous host, The Greener Side.

Friends First

My good friend and fellow Utahn, Deanna Taylor writes about the dirty deal that Utahns get for providing more energy to California -- more pollution. In Utah we have to suffer a lot for the rest of the nation's (and some other countries' as well) wastes, like the nuclear waste that we are trying to keep out. Deanna also writes about the US Supreme Court's rejection of an appeal that could have blocked the nuke waste from being dumped here. NOTE TO THE REST OF THE WORLD: UTAH IS NOT YOUR GARBAGE CAN! (please excuse the rant, fellow greenies).

Deanna's Blog, Dee's 'Dotes will be hosting the Carnival next week.

That Green (and Red) Holiday Season

It grows ever closer to the gift giving season, and Mary Ellen at The Blue Voice has written about a wonderful gift giving idea in her post Give a Woman Some Bees and . . . -- the Heifer Project. This is one of those gifts that give on many levels like the ones I've written about at length on this blog, and I will have to put the Heifer Project on the "Green Shopping and Gifting" resource page I've been working on.

I gave up Christmas trees several years ago, but for those who haven't, greenthinkers debates artificial vs. real trees.

Carnival Games

A couple of opportunities to use your green creativity: Phillipe at Earth Echo is looking for short environmental films for the first annual Environmental Student Short Film Festival to be held in Washington D.C. in March, 2006. There's no entry fee for selected films which will be shown be as part of the DC Environmental Film Festival. City Hippy informs us of an essay contest from Ecologist Magazine that asks the question, "What is humanity’s worst invention?" I'd have to say the atomic bomb . . .

(Green) World of the Future Exhibit

Lee at Exuberant Pantaphobia writes about some futuristic options. First, there's the first non-industry related person in the world to lease a fuel cell car, a Honda FCX for $500 a month. Then there's the possible future of hydrogen airplanes.

Great Green Ideas

As a mom of a two year old who isn't yet potty trained, I found this blog post about a compostable diaper option from Greener Magazine very interesting. I experience a little guilt, as most green parents probably do, on the big impact of my children have on the environment. This diaper idea can take a little of that guilt off green families' shoulders. Enviropundit writes about the future possibility of Green Buildings in Maryland that came up in a recent televised public discussion. Meanwhile, Urban Eco reviews the book "The Home Energy Diet" and will even sell it to you.

Dialogue and Debate

Ian at How to Save the World for Free takes on Jeremy Clarkson for his anti-bicyclist and anti-environmentalist stance, and Don at the Evangelical Ecologist has taken issue with the genderizing of environmental issues such as global warming . In his email submission he writes, "This conservative environmentalist thinks this has gone too far. Feel free to disagree..." (a side note: is it just me or does the graph chart in his post resemble certain male body part(s)? Perhaps I had too much gender on the brain while I was reading  . . .)

The Recycle Bin

Dirty Greek examines the question, "to recycle or not to recycle?" It's a question that doesn't have a simple answer. Natalie at Philobiblon wonders why the UK doesn't widely recycle Tetra Paks and hopes a solution will be forthcoming. Karen Clothier at Hip and Zen Pen posts about Chicago's Green Initiatives Committee's juried competition for a new recycling recepticle to be used throughout the city.

Buyer Beware

Jemilah at The Green Life exposes the greenwashing PR that McDonald's and WalMart are up to, and the Disillusioned Kid warns us that our eating habits contribute to global warming.

Grab a Quick Bite

A couple of short posts, Commonground cites an article from the Christian Science Monitor on rich nations earning credit under the Kyoto protocol by helping to preserve tropical forests and Private Sector Development Blogs announces BP Oil's doubling of their investments of alternative and renewable energy sources.

That's a Wrap

Well, I hope I covered everything and everyone. The Carnival of the Green was established by City Hippy and Triple Pundit. For those out there that want more info on posting or hosting, check out their carnival launch posts: Triple Pundit & City Hippy.

I had a great time and I hope I get the opportunity to host again in the future!

green carnival

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