Proposition 8, a bill in California meant to codify discrimination of LGBT persons looks set to win -- but a recent poll that asked likely voters how they would vote after seeing ads from both sides shows that if the ads for the "No on 8" could be seen, then Prop 8 would be defeated. Problem is, there isn't as much money on the No side as for those pushing for this law, an awful lot of which is coming from Utah.
"“Proposition 8… would eliminate the fundamental right to same-sex marriage. The very act of denying gay and lesbian couples the right to marry - traditionally the highest legal and societal recognition of a loving commitment - by definition relegates them and their relationship to second class status.” Los Angeles Times Editorial, August 8, 2008
Regardless of how you feel about this issue, we should guarantee the same fundamental rights to every Californian. Vote No on 8."
I'm far from wealthy, but I feel the need to help cancel out these donations of fear.
I've just put my money where my mouth is and contributed $20. I'd like to challenge anyone who reads this to contribute half of that - $10 - no matter if you are gay, straight, or both or neither. I'm further challenging progressive/lefty Utah bloggers to match or exceed my donation amount.. Go to and click on the "Donate Today" button.
Let's get Utah to donate as much to fight this discrimination as Utah is sending to promote it. Let's cancel out the donations of fear!
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