Oct 17, 2006 00:08
so yea, im noticing that life itself is getting kinda boring.
school, work, old spot, sleep. repeat
what happened to interesting things?
where the fuck did they go? and furthermore, why didnt they take me with them?
its sad when i have more fun sitting at a fucking desk by myself than hanging out with a bunch of people. the jokes are getting old, the routine is getting old. whatever shall i do.
i dont know whether or not to give up on certain things because of the way the situations either change or dont change.
im tired. not just physically, but mentally.
when will something new and exciting happen to me again?
when will someONE new and exciting happen to me again?
do i still keep hope or do i move on?
even though this is rhetorical shit, i still feel the need to ask these questions. i dont expect answers because others cannot mold my life for me. shit happens yo.
i also noticed i say "shit happens" alot lately, to alot of people and i cant figure out if thats just like an axcuse for not giving reasoning or if it is the truth.
hmm....its all a conspiracy.