Jun 03, 2003 12:57
Ok, I think some people are going with me to Finding Nemo on Friday or Saturday. YAY! I cannot wait. I showed everyone my Ultimate-Supreme-Bestest-Superfluously-Wonderful-McDonald's Toy EVER! I forget who the character is, but it is the creepy fish dude(well, I guess fish doesn't narrow it down much)who is always trying to escape played by Willen Dafoe. It is a FUN science experiment. I wish I had it in Grade 9.
Anywho, I am now bogged down in many, many school projects. Let's see. I just finished a Trig Unit Test, I have another on Monday. I have to study for the Math exam, that can wait (Mrs. White wants us to start now, hah! what has see been smokin'?) Hmm, I have that HUGE culminating 15 minute drama presentation (it would take a week to list all the things that I have to do for that), u8mmm... I have ANOTHER huge project in Careers (we just finished our Portfolio's and we thought we were done) and we have to present it next Friday, And then there's English. Well, we just finished our R&J paragraphs, and our Writing Portfolio's and now we have the Abominably-Ginormous Board Game Culminating Task which we just learned we had to write 3 paragraphs for and a poster and a presentation of Friday. ERRHRHUIRHQIRF#!@8347823! F%&$! And then there's the Term's test on the same day as our Careers presentation. Well, I guess it could be worse...or maybe it couldn't.
Anywho, I'll survive, I always do, once I was on the verge of collapse and death...ut that's another story.