Title: Something Special
Pairing: Ninomiya Kazunari x Aiba Masaki (friendship)
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. I don't make profit with this.
Summary: It's complicated, but in a way, they are special.
A/N: English isn't my mother tongue, but I've been living in the UK for quite a time, so I
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Comments 17
So cute Aiba and devil Nino !! I really know what plan behind that grinned >//< poor Aiba but very fanny ^_^
I love Aimiya fic but I hope someday you'll write TM fic again , haunted house clip killed me ><
thank you again and HAPPY NEW YEAR ! ^^
I am happy you enjoyed it, though *_*// Thank you!
Nino just knows how to get what he wants. And he can change his mind in seconds then *lol*
That clip was so adorable, indeed! I laughed so much :) Those two are so cute <3
Thanks, dear! I am happy you liked this short drabble ♥
Happy new year to you, too! <333
you have been missed you i assure you!!!
take care......and im sure you cannot resist something as adorable as tegomasu...hihihihi
Aw, thank you <3 I miss writing them, too! They are just adorable, I failed so much over that clip in the haunted house *hihi* Soo~~ cute!
Thanks, I hope you're doing all well and fine!!! <333
yes..thank you..im well and fine...
Well, I would have been scared, too. he probably overdid it a bit, but after all, I can understand his fears XD
I am glad to read that :D ♥
Take care, ne~~
And Nino is just sooooo cute behaving just like a child ^_^ Love the fact he used the trick Aiba just told him at the end and planned to keep it as a secret xDD
I really really liked it &hearts
Oh, and Happy New Year, sweetie!!! *hugs*
That's nino in my mind XD he's such a brat! And he does everything to his own advantage!
Thanks so much for reading ♥ I am happy you liked it *_*//
Happy new year to you, too, my love! *snuggles* <3333
um-uhm, btw, I don't know if you just want to change their age but Aiba is older than Nino actually. Reading your note about Tegomass, I guess you're more into them than Arashi or not...? Really really Sorry if I have mistaken.
Haha, right! Actually, after I posted this and reread it again, for a moment, I was thinking "Matsujun is youngest and Nino is second... I should check back again", but I forgot *laugh*
Aiba just appears so childish, so I kind of let that lead me on!
Thanks for bringing it up :)
Well.. Tegoshi Yuya is my favourite, so I am quite a lot into tegomass. but I don't write Tegomass anymore. And Arashi... ♥ Hoe could anyone not adore them? ^_^
Thanks for reading and commenting! :D
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