This is unreal

Nov 29, 2008 15:17

Crystal went dirt motorbike riding with her dad today. It was something her dad's always done, and she always loved riding with him. He had bought her a new Kawasaki KDX250 as an early Christmas present, so they had been spending the past couple of weekends riding and getting her bike dialed in for her comfort.

This morning they went to Whitmire, SC to the ORV park in order to ride. Her dad said they had been having a blast all day. They came off the trail, gave each other high fives, and she told him that she was having the best day ever. She wanted to make one more loop around before leaving.

She was following her dad, when she suddenly went off the trail behind him. By the time he had gotten to her she was already unconscious, and he administered CPR all of the way to the hospital in Newberry. There was nothing that could be done, as it appears she sustained a spinal injury upon impact from the crash. If you don't know already, Crystal had scoliosis, so her spine was already being held together by metal.

Her dad, Bill, told me upon arriving at the hospital that she had passed away. Her parents approved her donating any organs that could possibly help someone else, so after that is finished and the autopsy, she will be transferred to the funeral home.

That's all of the details I have as of now, I'll try to update as I find out more.

I'm still in extreme shock, so I figured I would inform everyone who knew her of the news while I still could. I loved her, and planned on asking her to be mine forever this Christmas. I was actually in the jewelry store as everything was happening.

Her Heavenly father has her now, and in His love He had something even greater in store for her today.

To reference the musical Wicked we saw recently, she is defying gravity, and nothing can bring her down.

I love you, Crystal Bryant, and will forever be your bubby.

-Dustin Mattson

I still can't believe it. I've known and hung out with this girl since I was 16. I remember deep discussions and crazy roadtrips we had. We grew apart over the last two years or so, but still kept in touch. She mailed me a letter a month ago and I still have my reply sitting in my bookbag to be mailed........

You never know how long anyone has.
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