Another review plus a BONUS!

Feb 06, 2009 16:54

So I've been home since Thursday because I've been sick. Working in the food industry means that you need to stay home if you're sick. We're all ready experience some high micros on some items but nothing to be alarmed about.

Nothing serious this time. I get sick about once a year now due to the fact that we've upped the ante on our responsibilities. This includes wandering about the NEGATIVE freezer. Average temp is around -10 degrees F. They didn't give us thermal gear either so I'm walking around in there protected by a very thin lab coat.

I play the DEMO of RE5 every now and then to take my mind off of things. My mom always had this thing against me playing games or watching TV while sick. Never understood that. I personally feel that it helps. If I don't do something that's mentally stimulating my mind goes berserk because of the long time that I spend at home with nothing to do. Luckily she doesn't do that anymore so I'm free to do whatever. Who else is gonna buy me sickness supplies anyways? I always have to go and get them myself.

So with the whole demo things have been strange.

Seriously. The bottom combo doesn't trip me up anymore but I wish that Sheva would make up her mind. It seems that first she's a great help but she tends to do a few things wrong. First of all she just keeps firing her handgun. There's a big, burly, chainsaw/battleaxe wielding boss in front of us and she's pecking away with the 9mm. Goodness sakes girl you have a machine gun in your inventory! We're on a rooftop, you have a sniper rifle, use it!

This concurrently leads to us being swarmed by minor enemies, being killed by said boss, not killinig said boss in a timely manner, or her getting her head cut off. She'll just run off and do something like reload. Then get her head cut off because she's not following the only direction I can give her (get over here!). I give her tons of weapons and ammo, yet all she does is reload the handgun and not use the weapon.

Her bailout ability is SO-SO. She'll bail me out of a tight situation 1 out of 3 times. Which is better than say Ashley or Sherry from previous games. I spend more time bailing her out.

Finally, she really accels at healing. If I even get close to half life, she'll be there with the herbs. So THAT portion is doing well.

Now that this is over, I have to say now I'm UBER EXCITED about this game. OMFG it looks like a dream coming to reality. I can bet that I'll die a few times in the game (at least) but it will be fun experimentation. I'm dying to see the new weapons, new upgrades, and whether or not the merchant will make an appearance. Also, I'm a bit confused about the storyline and getting that squared away will be a relief.

OK so what do we know so far?

It's obviously 2008 during the Kijuju incident. (Chris' birthdate on the website plus his stated age confirm this).

Jill is either missing or dead. Her gravestone is featured on ads and was on a trailer. It was dated 2006.

The Spencer estate is in this. Chris seems smaller and has different gear resembling his Code Veronica outfit when they show him confront Wesker in what appears to be the mansion library. In addition, it seems that Wesker gets the better of him again. While in the dominant position it seems Chris is doomed. I wonder if this is where Jill "dies".

Sheva is the current (?) partner of Chris. We don't know if she's a one shot or a character who will appear multiple times. I'm betting on one shot unless her story gets very intriguing or incorporated somehow. This is confirmed because Chris mentions that his last partner was a woman too (Jill).

Sherry Birkin makes an appearance. We don't know her exact role or who she is... but there has been speculation. Some say she's the blonde woman in the trailer (which would make sense because she's the only blonde character other than Ashley).

What we don't know-

Is Kijuju the opening of the game or the semi midpoint? With the Spencer mansion making an appearance it would seem that there would be some kind of retracing to the old location.

Will the other points be flashbacks? They've been hinting very much at having interludes.

The Viral campaign videos have shown that Chris is suffering from some kind of Post Traumatic Stress disorder. We don't know if it's truly what will happen in the game but it does seem to have some tie in with the game. Even Claire makes an appearance in the videos.

Closer inspection of the Bird Mask Lady shows that she has a very sharp chin and brown hair. I'm guessing that Jill isn't dead. That maybe she was Wesker'd into a new villain. Further inspection of the initial demo discs showed enemy data. There was a file called Jill_1 and Jill_2. So there are either 2 incarnations of her character or there are two boss fights.

A few cryptic things keep coming back though.

Every Resident Evil has some kind of Tyrant character. A boss that is a force that keeps coming back relentlessly to end your life. First was the Tyrant. Second was Tyrant Type 2 and G-virus William Birkin. Third was Nemesis. Fourth was Chainsaw Ganados. Now what is it? I noticed that the Axe wielding boss-like character doesn't give a key item. Instead he gives only some money which is typical of Chainsaw Ganados. The Chainsaw boss gave a key item. So which one is the boss? Are they both? Perhaps both will be tyrant like characters?

Why does Wesker say "We last met at the Spencer Estate?" Either that has to do with the flashback or he's talking to someone other than Chris. Chris saw Wesker one more time during the Veronica Incident. The only other people he could be talking to are Jill, Barry, or Rebecca. Barry doesn't look promising. Nobody knows what the hell happened to Rebecca. Jill is the only other viable option.

Get this game out so I can finally be shocked with the answers! My shoulder button fingers are getting itchy.



Here's how to make a real Chris Redfield costume. Warning... this involves real weaponry. If you do not with to buy real weapons then substitute with airsoft and painted wood.

First... the look. Cut your hair short and grow a mild stubble. It makes you look manly. Keep that look to inspire you while you become and avid gym goer. Chris apparently is related to a few Mr. Olympias. Build shoulders that look like a pair of basketballs. Washboard abs to make your shoulder to waist drop look extreme but not overly cartoonish.
At this point I'd advocate that if you can't make it this far, you probably are with the 90% of men who would NEVER be able to pull this look off. If you can then perhaps you're one of the 1% who can pull it off exactly. The other 9% can pull it off, but it won't look authentic.

Second... the clothes. You'll need to contact a Tactical Shirt Company, pre-order RE5, Buy a pair of TDU's from 5.11 tactical, buy Blackhawk kneepads, a nylon tac belt, Nike shoes, tactical fingerless gloves, Tactical thigh rig, shoulder harnesses, and all the accessories below.

Without the accessories people will still recognize you as Chris but you will not have the impact you are so craving if you've made it this far.

Contact the shirt company (Under armour, Adidas, 5.11, etc.) and ask if they can custom make you a compression shirt. It must look exactly like the Redfield shirt. Three colors, black mesh, lots of seams, and black on top. This will run you anywhere from $200 to $500 (estimate). I wouldn't really know the cost because I've never asked. If they ask any questions just google a bunch of non-homoerotic pictures for them and show them the man they are about to create. Get ANY pair of 5.11 TDUs and bleach them white. They do not offer white because White isn't tactical. But it is... TACTICOOL. So bleach them up. Make sure you get the ones without the ties on the ankles. That's just gay. And for boots. Get the slacks like ones. White Nike sneakers with crossed laces. Getting sexier.
The shoulder harnesses need to be straight up and down without crossing. You're trying to be badass... if they cross they'd look like suspenders and that'd just be stupid. However, to help with support there needs to be a middle section that connects the two straps on the upper back. This provides weight bearing support and keeps it from slipping downward. Absolutely nothing like a bra. Attach the knee pads where they should go. Take out the internal ones in the pants if you wish. Attach the tactical pistol thigh rig to the right thigh of the pants (easier if you put it on first). You're almost done...

The accessories...

First you need a headset. Working or not. Just keep in mind that it might be embarassing if you have a real bluetooth on and suddenly your mother calls in the middle of a cool action shot photo op.

For the belt you'll need two mag holders, one compass (at least that's what I assume it is), a radio with holster, Mini Tac light with holster, two grenade pouches, and the sidepack. Yes Chris actually remembered the side pack this time around.

Attach them all according to the profile photo on the internet. For those who are too lazy... Grenade holsters on the rear right, sidepack on lower back, radio on rear left, two mags on the left front, compass to left of belt buckle, and tac light over compass. These orientations are based on if you were actually wearing the belt.

Now for the weapons.

First is the knife. Chris carries a Mercworx goliath. They also make the sheaths for them. Put down the $750 to get one (I firmly believe that Chris would have invested the extra $50 for the special steel that increases hardness and sharpness). Now attach the sheath to the rear of the left shoulder of the harness. The knife is cross drawn with the right hand so you'll have to have the blade facing outward and the handle up. Facing inward might slit your neck just due to the pure awesome of the blade. Sure you could have it on the front of the shoulder so the cross draw is easier but that's just plain pussy... *COUGH LEON COUGH*.

Next up is the gun. For the handgun you'll need a Beretta 92FS. The standard issue of the STARS and the sidearm that Chris is never seen without. Then you'll need a high quality laser module smithed to the frame with the pressure switch attached to the handle. This should cost nearly $800. If you don't want to do the work but have the uninformed convetion masses think you're actually being 100% true to the original... get a Beretta M9A1. They're exactly the same except Mil Spec and have a rail system. I personally Chris's gun really is a M9A1 because the dust cover is straight (92fs is curved) and it's better suited for the desert climate. Attach a less expensive laser to the rail with tail switch attached to the grip. This should cost around $800. If you are a stickler for the name and 100% rating yet don't want to contact a gunsmith, I can get you a 99% rating. There is a 92 model that has an accessory rail. The handle looks different but hardly anyone will notice that. Just look up beretta 92 on wikipedia and you'll find it.

You may choose to put in grenades. I'm not gonna stop you. But I will run from you.

If you want to look double badass you'll need a larger gun on your back. Let's face it... when you think ZOMBIES the handgun isn't your first choice. I recommend the shotgun due to it's instant recognizability. In addition, it's always the 2nd weapon you get in Resident Evil. An Ithaca Model 37 fits the bill. Attach a 2 point sling to it. Put a laser aiming sight on it. I'd use the one that fits in the magazine tube. That way it comes out like magic. Sling it over your right shoulder. Now Chris uses it with the handle facing outward. In the interest of real human anatomy and physics, I'd say to put it with the handle facing inward. Just reach back and pull that bad boy over your head to draw.

To put on the outfit put the clothes on. Then the belt. Attach accessories to both. Attach the shoulder harnesses to the nylon belt. Strap on your thigh rig with Beretta. Sling shotgun over shoulder. Grit your teeth and run around villages shooting Asian guys (I didn't make that up, there are Asian guys in the African village).

Congratulations! You've just assembled a costume valued at over $2000. Go have fun LOSER!
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