I am Back!!!

Jan 17, 2005 09:19

Hello everyone!!! I am back and better than EVER!!! I just AIM so if you wanna chat with me my s/n is greendaybat. There is really nothing to type about cause there is no school today. Well anyway One of my friends is being a total asshole but if I say her name she will get mad at me and screw up all of my stuff! If she reads this she will know who I am talking about! Well on friday my really good friend Kayla had one of those rubber powder blue braclets that say hope! They are to help people who can`t use there musles! So Kayla was writing "NO" on the braclet to make it say "NO HOPE" (LOL Kayla you are very funny!) And then my friend got all mad a Kayla and started Bitching about her cousin having that diease but she said " THAT IS NOT FUNNY! MY COUSIN HAS THAT DIESEASE AND YOU ARE MAKING FUN OF HIM!" (What a Moron how were we suppose to know?) Then she was yelling at me cause she wanted to stand by my other really good friend and I was standing there, I mean it doesn`t matter were you stand! Well I gotta go! I have to go change my password!!!
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