(no subject)

Mar 27, 2009 19:46

Blehhhh... How is it that I ended up being the one enforcing the positive outlook on things? I am trying my best to salvage our sanity and yet no matter what, it's not enough. What a Scorpio... You really are living up to your sign lately. We are both selfish people, and we both know it... We mesh well that way. We see eye to eye on most things, and if not, we attempt to compromise, or agree to disagree. Yet when stress grows to overwhelming levels, there is little I can do or say to help, and it's frustrating as all hell.

He refuses to allow the compensation to make up for the bullshit. We are not working our dreams job, but at least we are able to work. We are able to pay our bills and live relatively comfortably.... maybe not as much as we used to when I was working at WSG, but things are functioning. I have worked in situations that were downright miserable, in an even more miserable time in my life. I endured it and now this place seems like not even a big deal. I get so discouraged because I can't help but not take him seriously when he complains as much as he does about it... If you're that miserable, then just get another job. So what if it pays less, what means more to you? Enduring a shitty job to make more money to enjoy your life outside of it, or enjoy working at a not so shitty job, and struggle? Unfortunately, at this day in age, you can't have your cake and eat it, too.

I'm hoping that everything planned for Ultra goes smoothly, and that we manage to have a blast. I may feel like shit for a while afterwards, but it will hopefully be worth it. Prodigy will be the shiiiiit. B)

So I rescued a tiny baby kitty... He's only about month, if not less, and he's such a spunky little guy. He ran up to Eddy down on the street in front of our place, and we took him in. He's been eating well, and is very sweet and playful. If anyone here is interested, please let me know... If not, I'm going to take him to a woman that takes in kitties for adoption.

I wish I had the motivation and attitude to clean up the apartment, get glammed out and head out for a 'me-night'. It's not looking likely.

Hope everyone has a good night, and if you're at Ultra, hope you have fun. Should have waited until tomorrow, though. LOSERS! ;)
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