OOC; character relations chart

Jan 01, 2010 00:00

Spinarak's Character Relationship Chart
Last updated August 05, 2010 In process of updating
[ ☹☹☹☹☹☹ ] WHAT DID YOU DO TO MAKE HER HATE YOU THIS MUCH?!?! Aka she wants you DEAD.
[ ☹☹☹☹☹ - ] She wants nothing to do with you.
[ ☹☹☹☹ - - ] She doesn't like how you think.
[ ☹☹☹ - - - ] You made her angry at least once.
[ ☹☹ - - - - ] You're too loud/mean, but she'll give you some more chances.
[ ☹ - - - - - ] First impression wasn't nice.
[ - - - - - - ] She probably hasn't met you and therefore she doesn't think anything about you.
[ ☺ - - - - - ] First impression was nice.
[ ☺☺ - - - - ] You're a nice person.
[ ☺☺☺ - - - ] She wants to get to know you better.
[ ☺☺☺☺ - - ] A very close friend. She feels comfortable talking about her thoughts to you in person.
[ ☺☺☺☺☺ - ] Best friend. She try to do anything for you.
[ ☺☺☺☺☺☺ ] She sees you as irreplaceable family. HUGS FOR YOU.
[ ♥ ] She is crushing on you. Be prepared for some stalking.

Revolver Ocelot
[ ☺☺☺☺☺☺ ]
Spinny considers Ocelot to be her older brother figure. If she were to have an older brother, he would be just like Ocelot; knows a lot of things and tricks, responsible (maybe), and very nice! The trademarked "The Point" is one thing she learned... Since she has no guns, she can't do the twirling action, but she's happy enough that he taught her how to do The Point. She would go to him for a book recommendation and for some fun hanging out time.

Mac (Little Mac)
[ ☺☺☺☺☺☺ ] [♡]
They started talking during the Graduation Prom of 2010. He's really nice and stands up against bad people. Spinny looks up to him a lot for being so brave! She did develop a crush at one point, where she eventually confessed her feelings to him only to be shot down. She did figure it would end up like this since he was such a nice guy, but she couldn't help but feel down. After a few weeks, though, she got over it or so she thinks and can finally see him as a very good friend.

In actuality, she still has some lingering feelings towards the boxer. But it's more towards "I'd want my trainer to be like him" feeling, not as an actual crush.

[ ☺☺☺☺☺☺ ]

She was scared to death of him at first, mostly because of the wings and the fact that he's a bird. But now, not so much. She feels like he's a guardian-type of person to her, watching out for her safety. Quiet, but she can see how nice he can be. She sees him as a fatherly figure, a person she would go to for some serious advices, sometimes. She would take his advices above others.

[ ☺☺ - - - - ]
One of the first friends she made when she first came to school. She met him during one of her adventuring around in the dormitory at night as a spider, and she had a really nice conversation with him. He seems very nice, and she hopes to talk to him more!

Sasha (Red's Charizard)
[ ☺☺☺☺☺ - ]

Roommate! She actually didn't get to meet this really nice Charizard until Vinnie was being scary, but she certainly is glad that she got to meet her. She's really nice and caring, and really fun to be with! Well except for the flaming tail she has... Which is why she's kind of afraid to give her hugs. Sorry Sasha. In a way, Sasha is someone Spinny would like to grow up to be: an expressive person who takes care of those younger than herself (like how Sasha is with Marie!) You can say Sasha would be a big sister type of person for Spinny.

Vinnie (Red's Venusaur)
[ ☺☺☺☺ - - ]
First impression towards Vinnie wasn't the kind that Spinny would call a very good one... I mean, who'd want someone wanting to eat you start talking to you out of nowhere?
If it weren't for Sasha, Spinny would probably not have tried to talk to Vinnie after the first conversation over the journal networks. After having a talk in person, though, Spinny slowly started to realize that Vinnie wasn't such a bad person. He still scares her sometimes, making her hide behind or under the nearest object... But she sees him as one of many people she knows who she can depend on especially for a shoulder to cry on.

Marie (Red's Squirtle)
[ ☺☺☺ - - - ] [♥]
Such a quiet guy. Spinny doesn't mind the quiet, but it makes her awfully curious of what kind of person he is. She knows he isn't strong with creative crafts and arts, which makes her a tad sad that she couldn't spend a lot more time making masks with him, but everyone's different. She also knows that he likes sweets just as much as herself! And that he likes to listen to music a lot! And a certain celebrity! ...But that was it. Her curiosity didn't spring up until just recently, though, when the Squirtle asked her out to go eat lunch. She's been meaning to ask Sasha, but it feels like she's being rude. She is finding herself watching him go about his every day life...sometimes. What a stalker.

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