Title: Stretching upward to heaven Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Seymour Guado x Zack fair. No, really. Warnings: Implied tragedy. Summary: Zack Fair and an almost God in 50 sentences. (theme set Epsilon).
I wrote it a whirl ago and forgot to post it. I'll probably do another set of the (utterly ridiculous) pairing, before I start writing the drabbles. I have no idea why this came into being, mind XD.
Thank you :) Sorry, mildly ignored this in favour of the bit/gag comment conversation. And yes, another of my crack pairings. That only I have ever written (the small voice in the back of my head is now yelling, FOR A REASON!) I'm definatly coming back to them, mind.
Comments 5
♥ This made me so absurdly happy.
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