Title: Sisters Three
Fandom: Sanctuary
Disclaimer: I do not own.
Characters: The Morrigan
Rating: PG-13
Notes: If there was ever an episode that completely won me over it's 'Fata Morgana' from Syfy's Sanctuary. I don't know whether it's the music, the mythology or how hard the main character, Will, fought to give these women a chance, but this episode made me a fan.
Summary: We were created to destroy man.
Sisters Three
Born together, ever shall we be together.
There will be no life without my hands caught up by yours.
They gave us names to separate us.
Three names for three girls.
We have no need for those names. There is but one word that has always served its purpose to call us.
I am Morrigan and you are Morrigan and you also are Morrigan.
We three are Morrigan.
Let us take hands now.
The battle is raging on the plains and blood is watering the earth. The fires burn hotter and the screams become shriller.
Take my hands, sisters.
The battle is raging and the king is calling for the Morrigan.
Hear him now on the wind.
He calls for us to serve our true purpose.
We were made to destroy men.
Our bare feet will not slip as we tread the battlefield to the center where blood runs hot and the storm rages.
Men drop dead when they see the white of our gowns.
Take my hands, sisters.
We will cool the blood and bring peace.
Don't let go.
No one can touch the Morrigan when they are joined.
There is no Danu. No Caird. No Tatha.
There is only the Morrigan.
Men in chainmail fall.
Men carrying guns fall.
Men in the forests.
Men in the deserts.
All fall before the Morrigan.
We were made to destroy men.
As long as the Cabal allow us to remain together, to remain the Morrigan, we'll do their bidding and end the wars of this time we do not belong to.
Just let us remain together, that's all we ask.
Let us remain hand in hand.
Let us do your bidding and end your wars.
Let us make the Cabal kings.
Let us do all that and more.
And when you start to forget, well...
You really shouldn't have forgotten that we are the Morrigan and we were made to destroy.
Why do you think Arthur made the undead Keepers guard us? Beings with no sympathy. Beings with long memories.
The Morrigan were never meant to be controlled.