Nov 11, 2005 17:24
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! AHH I'M SO PISSED!!! okay... *breath in, breath out* so I've still got headlice, tuesday my mom said that it was gone, but then of course, my luck, one more little fucker has to get in there and lay some more little fucking eggs. Look, you guys are basically the only people i hang out with, so check your heads. There is somebody at school that keeps giving it to me, and i REALLY want this gone. Its been over a month and it still there. I'm fucking pissed off right now. Like seriously pissed. FUCK times 1354689718946287146987+981465146987149+8498176814987984698416891798268 AND AN INFINITY. grr.