Jun 14, 2008 17:25
So I've just crossed the one month mark here in Iraq. Funny how it doesnt seem like a month, but rather just one ridiculously long day. Everything is starting to run together now to the point where I can't remember what I did on what day... including yesterday. The only thing I have to track the days of the week with are my workouts. Today was an all-cardio day... must be Saturday. And speaking of workouts, since that really all there is for me to do in my free time here, I'm becoming quite... um... "hunkalicious". Yeah, that's a good word. So to all you women that never gave me the time of day, you can kiss my now fantastically sculpted ass.
And speaking of women... my "combat goggles" are already in full effect. I didnt think it would happen this quickly. The bad thing is that I'm legally not allowed to even give the perception that I'm interested in about 80% of the women here. Stupid Army regulations. Plus it's generally bad juju to, uh, let's just say "stick my penis in the company ink." Oops, that might be offinsive... how about "stick my pen into the company's vagina." No? How about I "can't mix business with pleasure." Yeah, that works. Oh well, at least I still have my porn. That ought to keep me busy until I get back.
For all the bitching I do, I must admit though, the paycheck boost I'm getting while I'm over here is quite nice. Coupled with the fact that I've shut off (almost) everything else back home that I was paying bills on, and I'm turning a pretty sweet profit. Don't take it personally, American Taxpayer... it's just business. If you want this money so bad, why don't you sign up to come over here? Yeah... that's what I thought.
So that pretty much sums up my first month of deployment in a nutshell. We'll see what the next month brings. Take care, everybody.