proms all around

May 13, 2005 15:45

So today I am at paije's house currently and I just did her hair nails and make up... She looks friggin amazing so please tell her she does after you see my web shots.... teehee

Tomorrow is the nbpt jr prom and i still sorta dont have a dress but im workin on finding the perfect one that maeks me feel pretty:) hehe... im so friggin picky about everything its really rediculous.

Last saturday was frolic, I know i update kinda behind the times but it was majorly fun! I went with timmy a uber hot frosh and it was great. Even tho he ran away from me all night. then we showed those froshies how it is done when we all went to ems house after some magestic dragon... yum

we all got drunk/blazzed and with the exception of some minor drama and some brieft sprinting across town all was good with the night. we woke up the next morning and emily's dad invited us back for next weekend... hurrahh!

leave some love, check out the web shots

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