Jul 28, 2005 11:44
For the past 9 months, I have been learning how to keep work and its responsibilities in its place. It is an ongoing lesson however these past months have been especially challenging. I do not want to go into the specifics about why because they are not important. What is important is how I have reacted to these difficult challenges in my work life. More to the point, what has come first in my life - God or something else including work.
The past month I haven't had a chance to really breath let alone think of this question. Next week, things will begin to settle down and I will have the opportunity to look back and see how I did. From where I stand today, I feel as though I might be doing well at work, but have failed with keeping anything from interfering with the time I wanted to spend with God. I could have done more to prevent the late hours that went into the morning hours which had me so tired I did not think of anything but sleep and what was next at work. It is not always like this at work but all the same, I should remain focused on God regardless of what is going on at work.
I sometimes envy the monks/nuns or those who have what I consider the gift of not having work in the corporate business world. (I edited this line to be more specific on what I meant.)
It is an interesting thing. At work there are things I can measure activities and tasks by. We can see progress and when things are needing attention. As I think of that same thing in my relationship with God, my mind immediately goes to the Ladder. I have heard that the Philokalia is similar but I have not yet read it. It is on my list to start in September with some folks in my Church. Anyway, I anticipate it to be something of a guide.
Now I am rambling but it is nice to be able to ramble while I have some time to do so. I would like to look back again after this time at work is done and see how I faired. I pray that I can grow closer to God by learning how I missed the mark.