Well, the preparation has begun for our
Parish Life Conference that will be held the first week in July. Yes, I realize this is late. At the last moment, we put together an adult Bible Bowl team. This will be our,
Holy Ascension's, first adult Bible Bowl team at the conference.
So, thanks to
phool4xc for his Bible Bowl study information and page, we are on our way with learning the Gospel of Luke. I am looking forward to this and have been enjoying the studying. I have never re-read a book many times consecutively and not been bored but I look forward to my time in Luke each day now.
It is on my iPod so I listen to it everywhere. There is also a Podcast from
St. Catherine's Greek Orthodox Church where
Fr. Evan taught a
Survey of the New Testament Class at a local college from an Orthodox perspective. I have listened to his lessons on the Gospel Of Luke a few times. He is very good.
Whatever we learn will be a blessing even if we get every question wrong at the conference.