Jan 27, 2005 19:05
so yea today sucked i got into a huge fight with my friend matt cuz rite now hes bein and ass sayin all this shit and i bitched at him cuz i went behind my friends back and did somehtign wiht matt and then i had to go through being called a slut and for wat for him to lie to me and now he wants to fuckin move to cali god i cant stand it rite now and yea so today i have been bitchin alot and im not bowling in confrence on saturday and god damn.... i just wish i could go back to the sleep ova wiht the girls and shit cuz it was so much fun.... but i got to see my baby today and i cant wait will the weekend i hope we can hang out.... i wanna show the girls my dress and i wanna fuckin bitch at brian for doin this to mander.... mander u can do much better!!!! i love u guys.......