stuff is copied from liz so the "I" is liz speakin

Apr 11, 2005 20:49

aww feo  ann feo is so cute.

bahama mama's!

my new sunglasses are so orgasmic.

haha, what a loser i am.

...back to bahama mama's.

...and back to school again. man this is random.

haha those are the cool people that work at bahama mama's.

this picture cracks me up. i look stoned and val looks retarded or something hahaha.


aww cute little chinese boy from bahama mama's.

val looks like she's pondering. EL-EM-AY-OH!

we took some thoughtful sunset pictures.

WHOA--what a hottttttie!

hahaha. i made her do that. loser.

ahh and here is the romantic sunset that i was lucky enough to share with val and crystal <3

the sunset was so romantic, we decided to get naked.

guess who! hahahahahaha

val and craig

nick looks like he's about to sneeze or something.


that's definately joe. he looks ghetto fab.

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