Sep 20, 2009 10:36
OK watching the news and having them interview Californias EDD director he said this.
Job loss was reported at 60K every month and then in August it went down to 12K for that month. The governor is tip toeing around the subject and saying green jobs are growing. But lets face it, that is a small percentage of growth over all. Lets face it how many jobs have been outsourced? How many jobs have left the state? How many companies have just folded up and died?
Until jobs are restored this isn't going to stop. Screw the economy improving, nothing will improve until more jobs are created.
My first complaint is hearing the bay bridge being built in China. That is right. You heard me. Our local San Francisco to Oakland Bay bridge is being built in China, shipped over and put together here. Even if the steel mills aren't in California, Americans could and should be making our bridge.
My old job as desktop technician was outsourced to India, re-outsourced to a company here in America and then trained monkeys who couldn't trouble shoot how to turn on the touch pad from the bios (I had to do it for them) were hired. The helpdesk that used to be in Austin, was outsourced to India where when you call, they follow a bad script and couldn't understand what you needed if it jumped up and bit them on the ass. Then they tried to keep you on the phone so they wouldn't have another call. Then the company outsourced the email support again to India and all hell broke lose.
I found out that our favorite Vlasic pickles were grown in India, shipped here, pickled here and sold. Can not American farmers grow pickles? Do I need to start growing and making my own?
When does this stop? Until Americans are put back to work, from growers and pickers to tech jobs this will not change. Until we start making our own clothes and shoes and stop importing everything we will continue this downward spiral as a country.
I don't know how to fix this. I am but one woman. Do we start a letter writing campaign? What can we the every day consumer do? I buy organic when possible. I buy local when possible. What else can I do? We do?