The Difference...

Oct 01, 2003 16:21

Whats the difference between loving and being in love? This question was proposed to me by a friend and by asking around, I got some answers, including the one I came up with...

Mine:The difference between loving and being in love. By loving you love in general. By being in love you love a specific person for everything about them, for who they are, who you are when your with them, and everything. Its easier to come up with examples, like me and david. I love David to death, but I'm not in love with him. When your in love, you cant think of anything really but that person, your special someone. When you love someone, you do what you can for them, but you also lead a life without them always there in your mind. You go to the people you love for advice, for stories, for help, for fun times. I think, in a sense, being in love overlaps loving someone, becuase you can do both the loving and being in love at the same time but just cuz you love someone doesnt meant you are in love with them.

Teri:i think they are two different feelings. loving someone means u care for them, and u want them to be there, u never want to help them and umm...that sorta thing. like ur friends, ur family, parents, u know. but being in love with someone means all that and that ur attracted to them. but i just can't figure out that attraction. like i think it's more then physical or sexual. it's like ur connected to them in a way that know one can even explain but like my mom always knows what i'm thinking. u always know what i'm thinking, so i still think it's more then that

Digs: ): there isnt a difference, its just 2 different ways of saying it at the proper present tense and past tense, or whatever...something like that...

Some parts are still....iffy. Comments, please? Even if I don't know you, it doesn't matter. And its just an opinion, but I want to see what people have to say about it.


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