Boys are ICKY

Nov 10, 2003 15:49

okay, fist lets get the good news outta the way. IM NOT LEAVING THIS WEEKEND TO GO TO TROUT LODGE!! YAY! lol not enough kids and not enough male chaperones for the boys. And I woulda been the ONLY girl. Do you know how many hotties there are at my church? And they're fun. O well, maybe ski trip time. Okay, now time for text is what i wrote, red is what krummey wrote, and black is for like notes or thoughts or what not.

My birthday is in 12 days
Happy 12 days left birthday
Hey what happened to me -So when are you going to dump Joe and get a little of your dream guy?
Just a little?
Alot then d*** i'm (needy? i couldnt read it) and I have a crush on you
I'll make your dreams come true
Tell me when.
Why? theres nothing about me to like. I'm a horrible person. honest.
Well i think you are hot and have qualities i would like in a girlfriend. so when? i'm waiting
honey your awesome 'n all that great stuff but i don't know if i could hurt joe like that. <3 U tho.
I see how it is I am offically depressed I crossed out those last two words lol I <3 U
Nobut i don't think id ever be able to smile again knowin i hurt someone that deeply. He loves me.
I am crying sniffle sniffle
(he drew a big sad face with tears) wa waaa waaaaa
NO. No depression. i feel bad enough already. why are you making it worse? :(
Cuz I am lonely and have a crush on you. cry cry waaa sniffle

And before class, me and Sarah were talking about the different days of this week. And we were talkin about tomorrow, hugs 'n kisses day. and he comes up and starts talkin to us too, and joins our convo about it. and then he goes to me, i'll see you tomorrow, 5th hour! and then he goes back to his seat. me and sarah gave each other weird looks and then i told her a short version of what he had done about hte making out in the hall before. and during class he had me write him another note a folded one, rather than the one we were throwing back and forth above. and when i gave it to him, he was like just wait for tomorrow. i dunno what to do. part of me wants ot play sick, but the other part wants to play out the day since i know im not sick. the worse thats gonna happen to me is a tummy ache from nervousness or if i eat a mango accidently (WHICH I WILL NOT DO *shudders*) So yea...i dunno. i tried to not flirt back but I guess there's no point in that now...

stupid boy

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