Apr 22, 2007 23:33
Oh wow am I sore. My right leg is kinda junted. I tweaked my knee, and I think it's bruised all down the outside and on the inside of my ankle. Heehee.
We had our prom dress rugby game, it was SO much fun! I played hooker for about half of the first half, and I totally won some of their scrums! We were so low, it was hot. The other props were really huge (they lift their hooker off the ground when they're setting up for a scrum), but we kept pushing them off cause we were so low! It was cool. Then Lauren played hooker and I was flank, that was fun. Then in the second half Brandeis was down players, so I went and played fullback for them. That was really interesting...I didn't really know what was going on. Mostly I imitated what Rebecca was doing. I almost caught Talia once. Did catch Woppy once, then almost another time. I also got a really good run in, I think I got past three people before Megan finally tackled me. It was so much fun. And Emily Miller had exactly the same dress as I did! It was hilarious.
We also had so many people come out to support us! Yoni came, and Aviv, and Caroline, and Alison (although I didn't see her! I'm just really observant, can't you tell?). It was completely awesome. I think I definatley played harder knowing people I knew were on the sidelines. But yeah, it was amazing.
And I am so exhausted...really long (and emotionally difficult, long story) week, touch for several hours Saturday, then our party Saturday evening, then the game. It probably wasn't such a good idea to dance so much at the party, then stay up til 4, but it was so much fun, I'd totally do it again. Although it did lead to strange dreams.
I love this song...'but on my heels, I'll grow wings, gonna ride silver strings, and I'll see you in my holiest dreams, Lady-o'
I'm looking forward to this weekend a lot...hopefully that'll get me through the week. Oh god is it going to be busy...8.044 test tomorrow, beta due in 004 on tuesday (mine isn't working, it's giving me this really stupid error...grr), 18.06 pset due wednesday, 8.225 paper rewrite due thursday, 8.04 pset and 004 quiz friday...sigh. It's gonna be a really long week. But the weekend'll be great! I'm gonna go see MTG's productiong of a funny thing happened on the way to the forum. Such an awesome musical! That'll be fun. Then there're two parties, which will also be fun. It's Spring Weekend too, which means free food (yay!) and other cool stuff, even if the concert is gonna suck. Oh well, can't have everything I spose.
Anyway, it is now time for bed. I bet I have more weird dreams. That tends to happen to me when I'm really busy or tired.
Goodnight moon!