(no subject)

Jul 13, 2004 15:33

I hate updating this, especially when all i'm going to do is complain. So be warned.First off, one of the little bastards woke me up at 2:00 to burn a fucking CD. Burn it you're self!I screamed at him to get the fuck out of my room, and what does he do?
He tells mom.
I get yelled at, get grounded, the usual routine. Bastards. I hate these people.

Anyway, in other news...

Last night in the back parking lot at work, I noticed this car, and surprisingly enough, it was one of our employees.

People who leave their cars with tape covering their broken windows are obviously too trusting. I mean, when your car did have a glass for a window, someone broke into it. How is tape any more of a deterrent? What are the thieves going to say? "Ooh, that looks like duct tape, we can't beat that. Let's look for one with scotch or masking."

Oh, and "Current Music", download that song. It kicks ass, and it's got a trombone solo too!
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