Sep 13, 2005 11:20
Terror-inspiring figures of Hades were the Furies, three creatures that attended Proserpina.They were winged maidens, with serpents twined in their hair and blood dripping from their eyes.They pursued those who had escaped punishment for crimes they had committed and afflicted them with all the horrors of a guilty conscience.
I first learned of them from my mother when I was very young and I was fascinated by the concept of these creatures who chased after those who had done wrong and had apparently escaped justice.The pictures of them in the mythology books only served to increase my affection for them.They were indeed scary looking, vile creatures with blood dripping from their eyes. The very idea of such horrors flying after the wrong doer's, never allowing them comfort or hiding just made me feel like justice would always be dealt even if we don't see it. No one ever truely gets away with anything because The Furies were their conscience. I know it smacks of the ancients way of "what goes around comes around" or "you will reep what you sow" but it seems collectively right that ultimately one pays for wrongs done to others and it only seems just that they will be their own un-doing.
I learned that the Furies could invade ones dreams with nightmares of being chased. I learned that they could drive a person insane with the torment they unleashed.I can only guess that The Furies would follow one to the very gates of Hades in their relentless task.Perhaps they finally let up if their charge eventually repented and truely meant it. I surely hope so!