Oct 07, 2008 19:59
My All About Me Book has taken a serious turn for the worse.
So I had my story done forever and ever ago, but the illustrations I'm having some serious problems with. I was originally going with a "Paint Daub" effect using Photoshop on some photos. This was going okay except for a few problems:
1. Too much whitespace in my book
2. Pictures weren't always coming out the right size for the picture page to be full
3. I was missing pictures I needed (we seem to have misplaced some family albums I was counting on).
So...ideally the illustrations would all be very similar, but this isn't working out. That means it's time to bust out the drawing skills.
But I wrote my story the way I did to fit around the photos, so now I've thought about the story...and I want to change it.
This is becoming a huge problem since it's due on Friday. Yargh.