Oct 19, 2006 22:50
i took a second puff and held it in for as long as possible, i opened my eyes and turned to jessica as she took a hit, the man with the afro said dont let her hit it, and my head was pulled backwards. i decided not to tell her to not hit it and then all of my vision of what i saw around me turned into outlines of the afro man. so like..cutouts of the afroman coming at me. i tried to tell her about the afro man but words didnt come out, i just spit everywhere and couldnt communicate that i really didnt want her to smoke. then i tried standing up in my car with the top up. and busted my head...lmao then my neighbor walked up and started talking to us and i almost cried. and i think she tried to throw my drink at me? and missed or something. lmfao and i guess she invited jessica up for lunch.