Survey about Blythe and doll collecting

Nov 03, 2009 16:23

My education is coming to an end, and one of the last things we're doing is a project of any topic we choose. Since I was fed up with all medical stuff, I choose to do a project about Blythe and Blythe collecting. I would be very happy for all help I can get in answering my survey! It can be emailed to blythe @ (remove spaces) or right here in the comments. All responses will be de-identified and no names will be named in the final report. If you want to respond anonymously that's fine too!

Please help! :)

Thanks in beforehand!

- How many Blythe dolls do you own (Kenners/Takara/Petite)?
- How and when did you find out about Blythe dolls?
- How old are you?
- Gender? F/M?
- Do you work/go to school/have someone else paying the bills? How do you finance your hobby?
- Where do you live - country and city?
- Why Blythe? Why not Barbie or some other cheaper doll?
- What reactions have you got from people around you regarding your hobby?
- How much money have you spend on your most expensive Blythe? What Blythe was it? Was it worth it?
- Do you name your dolls?
- Do you collect anything else? Do you collect other dolls? If so, what things or what dolls do you also collect?
- What is this hobby about - “collecting and value of a piece of plastic”, or something else, if so - what?
- Have you met new people/made new friends in this hobby - IRL/non-IRL?
- Do you take pictures of your dolls?
- Do you have any other hobbies connected to the Blythe hobby, like photography/knitting/sewing? If so - what?
- If yes, have you made money on your hobby? Is it perhaps a way of financing new dolls?
- Some people seem to believe that doll collecting is a way for adults to deal with the fact that they don’t have any kids. The same statement is rarely heard about train collecting. What do you think about this? - - True/false - why?
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