Apr 22, 2006 08:09
i am the ultimate... everything!!!!!!!!!! i just leaned how tie a tie and i feel awesomelol. so its been a while lj eh? well lifes doin prety good about now, school alright friends are good luv life great you know all the usual cool stuff plus summer's around the corner. today i goto the first wedding im gunna remember cuase i went to one be4 but i was a wheee little lad. blasck suit GREEEN shirt and tie ( WHICH I TIED MYSELF) lol. i wish i could wear suits more often i luv wwearing suits i feel like a badass when i wear one lol, but i know what your all gunna say " you only feel like one, doesn't mean your are" but its ok one day i will do something bad ass in a suit and everyone will say "hey, there goes a bad ass in a suit with a GREEEN shirt/tie (which he tied himself). HEY !thats Jorge, so he is a bad ass" one day lol ok lj im outta