Never Leave Me [Norrington/Elizabeth, POTC: AWE]

Jun 11, 2007 22:13

Title: Never Leave Me

Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean

Pairing(s): Norrington/Elizabeth; shred of Sparrington, even smaller speck of Barbossabeth, and obligatory background Willabeth in equally small dosage

Spoilers: All three movies, AWE-focused.

Rating: PG-13

Genre: romance/angst

Summary: Day and night, she sees him.

Notes: At some point there was a complete loss of story and characters; almost writing themselves, and Jack would not keep quiet (thus more Sparrington than I thought; it’s my other favorite POTC couple, after all). Credit to commodore_lydia for feedback on a plotbunny, and inspiration from a slew of DMC fics, such as "Perhaps" by jadeddiva. Pretty sure I just lifted a Buffy episode title. (Love Buffy!)  AU I guess.

A shot rings out, and as she falls, a heart falls along with her, but its descent does not stop and float up like she does; it falls and settles at the bottom of the ocean, crying.


His taste lingers on her lips, spreads from head to toe; it will not disappear with time, this feeling of warmth fighting off the chill.


She sees him everywhere.

James is there on the Singaporean ship minutes after she saw him struck down; her head is still on its shoulders when choosing to surreptitiously check if he is real or not, ghosting fingers on his persona, which drift inevitably straight through nothing at all. She continues to be as surreptitious with all the other never-ending mirages; she keeps her madness private.

James is there on the back of her eyelids when sleeping, or awake and blinking. He is there lighting the way to Shipwreck Cove, she sees him ambling ahead of them on pirate-filled docks and streets. He is there in the Brethren Court, peeking behind Jack and Barbossa, already looking at Teague seconds before he rang out his introductory shot. She sees him lean against the grand table, pouring over the Code; she sees him open up his jacket to reveal the bloody hole, and she beseeches everyone to give the Company Hell, though in more eloquent and persuasive terms. He is back on the Pearl, and she sees him ahead of them on the sandbar, always ahead of her when walking, always seeing his back. James is there through the driving rain, untouchable in the storm; she sees him point behind whenever an enemy tries her guard. When Will proposes he gestures to Barbossa, and she complies, heart rushing at the thought of the older pirate; he points toward Will, the first mirage to lose calm and look frantic, frantically grabbing her attention, frantically showing her the way to Husband. He is frantic still when she gets to Will, his eyes screaming warning at her. They cloud over mournfully as she feels Will’s blood on her hands, convulse against him. Unable to heed James, unable, useless, useless, useless girl.

She sees James’ eyes light up at Jack’s approach, his hand over the pirate’s above the dagger hilt. He is already there motioning for abandon ship, and this time Jack is more willing to heed than she; he is not in the miraculous sky with them, but on the deck of their escape, waving them in for a safe landing. She sees him beside Jack, a soothing presence to his gnawing concern; James is confident of this battle’s end. She sees his eyes shadow, his mouth form words of mercy for the Endeavor, its crew, its living breathing men; and she in turn mouths a reply of nay, all of them must die, accompany their damned master, undeserving of a chance to surrender.

On the beach James is in Will’s eyes, shrunk down to size and watching.

Even with Jack and Will and Barbossa and everyone else gone, she still sees James. He wanders Shipwreck Cove along with her, continues to walk ahead even as she waddles, her feet steadily disappearing from sight when she cares to look down. He is there when she is flat on her back, everything on fire, sweat pooling down; Jack and Barbossa return, lined up next to James, Teague on the other side and farther way, carefully observing and directing when needed, but it is all in the ladies’ hands. For a moment James break eye contact with her-he had been staring at her ever since the leak started-looking through the walls; he turns to her, breaks this mirage’s vow of silence, telling her there are more outside, anxiously waiting. She actually sees him smile as they hear Pintel finally snap about Poppet from the hallway, and Ragetti try to calm him; hear Gibbs curse and Marty grumble as Murtogg and Mullroy begin to argue about some pregnant concept; hear the parrot and monkey chatter with a vengeance.

Then there is an explosion, she gasps for air and closes her eyes and James is not there. Her eyes snap open and he is still not there; her vision spirals around the room but he is not hiding, and it as if the corset is back on and she is gasping, gasping, choking, no air, none at all, where is he-

"Calm down lass, yer must be calm-"

"It’s almost over Lizzy-"

"Just one more push, my King-"

Something slips out, and it sounds like her heart has returned, for it is still crying. She is slumped against the pillow for a time immeasurable to her understanding; all is foggy and muted, except for the crying and a sharp clear gasp from Jack that means nothing to her. The bundle in her arms, she cannot describe its gender, but her question goes unspoken and is answered immediately; strong lass, says Barbossa-she will be Katherine-and her baby girl is beautiful, from the little she sees of her, even her eyes are already open.

Green eyes that left Elizabeth for only an instance only to return again, always faithful and never leaving her alone for too long, not since that shot.

"Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy-"

Just a tuft of dark brown hair now, but her baby girl’s hair will grow long and wild and complement the green, will never know white and blue confinement, will never know mud and dirt and blood.

"Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy-"

And there is James as she had known him broken and wretched and alive; opened her eyes to the man, for how could he not get her attention when raging at the world and himself, sneering at her? As intoxicated as she had been, she omitting the fact of her still retained virtue until, until-

"Elizabeth Swann!" Jack finally has her undivided attention, and everyone else’s, staring, fixated as if on the Pearl going down again with the Kraken. When James disappears and their daughter wails, she gives up on his life....

"Where is the William, where is the William!? Jus’ like him, jus’ like him, not Will, but Jamie." Never seen Jack so frantic, grief breaking free and running wild, mind cracking and splintering away for all to see. "Can’t call her Turner, don’t you dare cover this up!" Jack looks fit to choke her should he be denied. "Has to know her daddy, has to, has to, has to-" Kohl edge pleading eyes. "All we have left, all that’s left of Jamie, she’s all we have left-"

…There is always his legacy.

elizabeth, norrington, potc

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