Trisha Elric Fanfic

Feb 28, 2006 07:35

Title: She, the Rock
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst
Summary: Out of all the major players at the time, we never saw how one Trisha Elric reacted to the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Rockbell....
Notes: Because Ed and Al's mom rocks, and deserves more attention. In the words of 47thlight...spread the Trisha Elric love, darn it! ;)
Dislcaimer: I have no legal claim on Fullmetal Alchemist.

She comforted a weeping Winry, who kept screaming how her parents were dead. The woman swept the young girl up into her arms and just held her, massaging her small back as she cried her heart out. This was why the boys were so upset, she thought as she raised her head to peer into one of their windows, and found the pair of them, Ed and Al shyly peeking out. The woman motioned for her sons to come down, and she led them back to the Rockbell house, Winry buried into her arms.

There, she whipped up a feast for dinner, evening having grown near and the sky darkening in mocking shades of violet. Pinako had been tough to win over, but the woman had been firm, and the elder saw this, and let her have her way for the moment; the younger cooked the dinner alone. It was a somber affair, no one touching their food until the boys spooned up the rice and swerved it teasingly around the girl's mouth, and a small giggle was earned; then eating began in earnest. She made sure to finish more quickly than the children though, and Pinako took her cue and cleaned her plate the same time she did; the adults had their time for a small private talk.

On the porch, she received the letter, fingering it, making sure her hands did not tremble, but she could not say the same for her voice, so the woman chose to read the message silently. Its condolences were cold enough to burn her mind. Pinako spoke as well, but it sounded as if she were talking from a fair distance away, and it sounded like pale narration.

Dishes were washed, the meal completely done, and there were no games to hear outside like normally; the woman wondered if the silence disturbed Pinako as much as it did she.

Finally, they left, done with all they could do for the Rockbells this day. It was late, so the boys were immediately put to bed, not that they would've fought; the two were subdued, in a way that made her stomach sick. Her kisses lingered on their foreheads a little longer, and they gripped a little tighter, but it all ended like any other night: she trudged to her empty and lonely bed. Slipping on her night gown seemed to take forever, and the bedroom lights were dim and dead. She did not lie on her bed, just sat on it with her bare feet firmly planted on the floor, her lithe hands folded neatly in her lap. Clinically, Trisha Elric categorized this particular moment as shock, but the tears dripping down her face said differently.


trisha elric

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