GOLIATH! ILLYRIA! BUFFY DIES! (...Well, last one's not so great.)

Jun 30, 2006 20:04

O.K., comicbook babble. ^_^ (Normally I just buy the tradeback graphic novels--efficiently manageable--but sometimes I just can't wait. XP):

1) The first in a new Gargoyles comicbook series, saw news of it on the Internet, but it never really occured to me to try looking it up, or even to hope on coming across it--and I did. :D It was very convenient. (The art kicks ass; oodles of Goliath; feels just like the original show; an "oh SHIT" cliffhanger; must keep eyes peeled for the 2nd part.)

2) Something from Angel, a spotlight on Illyria--awesome art, awesome story, awesome characterization. 'Nuff said. (The whole thing's format was that of a snapshot in time, I feel--in fanfic terms, I think rather drabble-sized.)

Believe I'll look up "BtVS: The Death of Buffy": it's cover art owns my soul.


gargoyles, illyria, buffy, goliath

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