Maybe JL(U) was sign, a foreshadowing. No, maybe it was FMA, because it ended a good while before that. (Sure, there IS the movie, and the original manga of course, and I guees those OVA's...but the anime series finished.)
So, FMA, JL(U), both done...and now Rurouni Kenshin will be ending.
It all...just hit me as a very weird string of connections. And feeling more connected to the saying, "all good things must come to an end", or something like that, although things don't really EVER end. (Thoughts keep it going, I think.)
I haven't kept up to date on squeeing over every latest RK volume. (Pretty sure I left off 23 here.)
Still need to get around to informing
47thlight of RK, like she asked; maybe it would be easier if I went in small, but I REALLY want to to go into detail with her, go through each manga step by step, deep interpertations. ('Course, that'll take longer. XP But I think it'll be more worthwhile....)