Title: one old brand new year before
Summary: Quiet dinner reminiscing on a past New Year's celebration. Crossover AU with "Monsters, Inc." (pre-canon for both films).
A daddy Megamind never had.Beginning Notes: Another quick little low-key something for New Year's--I'm just apparently on a holiday/birthday theme kick. Again, scenes
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Honestly, Sulley also seems a fair bit older than Randall, and he could have been a father figure to him, or a big brother figure anyway.
Sulley tried a little in the movie with the handshake. But Randall wasn't having any, and it was the Boo situation which really soured things on Sulley's end. I kind of felt Randall just didn't believe it, even though even from an outsiders persepctive the true rivalry seems to be MIKE and Randall. Mike is more competitve than Sulley by miles.
It's kind of interesting of course when we have to remember characters don't have all the knowledge viewers have- it makes for some great stories I think. :)
That'd be neat AU fic--Sully was old enough to be a father/uncle/big brother figure to Randall, which seemed like something he really needed.
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