Megamind/Monsters, Inc. Crossover AU Snippet

Dec 18, 2010 13:15

Title: not used to defining words with someone who isn't even one year old ( Read more... )

fic, megamind, crossover

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Comments 24

aurawind December 18 2010, 23:07:17 UTC
awww! great job choosing Randall!! I love him too XD


greedyslayer December 18 2010, 23:32:39 UTC
YAY! another Randall fan! XD There's a fan message board for him here if you're interested:

Glad you liked this, thanks for commenting. :)


madamotaku December 19 2010, 00:05:43 UTC
What a really cool, really unique fic. I love your prose, it's so eloquent. I'm so happy people are coming up with such original stuff! I'll always be a Sully + Boo fan, but Randall comes off as a pretty neat father without being OOC here, and it makes me like him even more than in the movie.


Thanks! greedyslayer December 19 2010, 01:27:17 UTC
Thank you. :D

I'll always be a Sully + Boo fan, but Randall comes off as a pretty neat father without being OOC here, and it makes me like him even more than in the movie.

Oh man, I'm so glad you thought I kept Randall in-character even though he was in a vastly different situation, and that he made for a pretty interesting father. I'd love to write more fatherly!Randall and Megamind/'Indigo' and Minion later. :)


Katcomment! kat23a December 19 2010, 00:56:27 UTC
I love this crossover. XD

And it makes me want to somehow think of a way for KidMind to find his way into Roxanne's closet in an attempt to scare her. Possibly with smoke machines or an interesting invention.


Re: Katcomment! greedyslayer December 19 2010, 01:20:29 UTC
Oh, I forgot to mention how I liked the thought of BabyMind landing in a world where Scaring is a very worthy profession. XD

And it makes me want to somehow think of a way for KidMind to find his way into Roxanne's closet in an attempt to scare her. Possibly with smoke machines or an interesting invention.I was thinking about something like that, because how can you not when you have a crossover and AU set up like this? XD I was more thinking at first to have like a sort of mini prologue scene with Randall as young Roxanne's Scarer, and then comes to the time when he fails because she's outgrown the fear--especially when she realizes that the disappearing monster doesn't ever hurt her. And so Roxanne essentially waits for his nightly visit and starts asking Randall all sorts of questions--and Randall's more amused than annoyed, since when a kid's stopped being afraid they don't really ever try to get information out of him like that. And this is totally meant to be an echo of canon's Roxanne poking holes in Megamind trying to be ( ... )


Re: Katcomment! kat23a December 19 2010, 03:42:53 UTC
Oh, I like that! I mean, deciding not to be scared and instead asking Randall all sorts of questions sounds just like something kid!Roxanne would do. XD

I also like the idea of Megs trying to be scary and...not quiiiite mastering it. At least, not by himself. Maybe he manages to get some inventions together to make him look scarier, but he can't really do it on his own.

...ironically, though, I think Minion would totally pass as a monster. XD Especially in his robo-gorilla suit once he's grown.

If you write any more in this universe, post it here, or post a link here! I'll definitely read it!


Re: Katcomment! kat23a December 19 2010, 03:47:01 UTC
Whoa, whoa, wait, wait...auuugh, now I have a question. Human kids have screams and laughs that can be converted to power in monster world, right? I mean, when Boo laughed she could power up a door, no problem.

So my question is....could BabyMind or KidMind do the same? If he could, then trying to disguise him would be a lot harder. He'd have to learn how to either control his emotions, or at least try to keep them under wraps. If it doesn't work that way because he's not human....well, then, it would probably be easier to pass him off as a monster.

Aaaagh, now I'm imagining him having fang envy or trying to grow his fingernails into claws or being teased at monster school for, ironically, not looking monstery enough. XD; You're making me think about this too much!


grandiose_me December 19 2010, 04:51:46 UTC
I love this fic, so I'm doubly glad that I apparently helped inspire it. XD I was weirdly fond of Randall when I watched Monsters Inc. too, I felt like he got a bad rap for a lot of what seemed to be a rock and a hard place situation for him. Yeah, he did bad things, but he wasn't the only one, even though he's the only one who gets punished at the end. Plus lizards = awesome. I think you did a great job with the premise and the execution - it's interesting how being responsible for someone else changes a person, makes them reevaluate themselves. Awesome job. :3


Thank you! :D greedyslayer December 19 2010, 06:44:32 UTC
Oh man, I'm so glad you liked it! XD Not only because you inspired me, but I LOVE your Megamind fic, though I need to properly comment on it more and catch up on "Dissimulate." So it really fills me with glee that you read and liked this and left a comment.~

I was weirdly fond of Randall when I watched Monsters Inc. too, I felt like he got a bad rap for a lot of what seemed to be a rock and a hard place situation for him. Yeah, he did bad things, but he wasn't the only one, even though he's the only one who gets punished at the end. Plus lizards = awesome. I think you did a great job with the premise and the execution - it's interesting how being responsible for someone else changes a person, makes them reevaluate themselves.I'm glad you also like Randall. XD I love his lizard look and have ended up feeling sympathetic for him too. I really think he had "a rock and a hard place situation" going on, if only because it's almost explicit that Waternoose was behind everything and most likely ordered Randall to make the Scream Extractor ( ... )


Re: Thank you! :D grandiose_me December 20 2010, 05:03:15 UTC
I'm sure I will! After I read your fic my mind was reeling with all the possibilities for what could happen next, so I'm really interested to see anything more that you want to produce!

And yeah, I totally agree on the Waternoose thing. I got the impression the first time I watched Monsters Inc that the original ending was going to be more complex, but that they maybe ran out of time/budget. Only because the last half felt kind of rushed, and it felt like they were setting Randall up for an extra layer of complexity that never really came into anything.

I'm also really glad that you like my stuff, too! X3 It's always good to know. Now, back to my many typings...


seiaa December 19 2010, 17:52:15 UTC
AHhhhhhhhh thiiiss <3<3<3

It's even cuter than I imagined. Randal makes such a cute little gruff daddy.

I love the fact that he and minion argue occasionally but still get along at the same time. This is such an adorable family unit. I wuvs it.

I can't wait for more <3


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