Insignificant Things [TF Animated Drabbles]

Feb 17, 2008 11:21

Fandom: Transformers Animated
Title: Insignificant Things
Genre: angst, romance, gen
Rating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): OT3 Optimus/Sentinel/Elita-One (Blackarachnia)
Summary: Loosely connected set of drabbles inspired by "Along Came a Spider;" it's all about lost connection.
Disclaimer: I don't own the TF cartoon.


It's at the back of his mind; her voice, her figure--but Optimus doesn't want to believe, because the Decepticon insignia is burning in the night, and spiders still twist his insides all around (but they make sense too).

Of course, it's all brought into light regardless.

His question toward her allegiance--it's really just a question, any accusation more cutting into himself than her (he condemned her once, he would not do it again).

His words sound hollow to his own sensors, and he definitely doesn't believe she'll ever forgive him (but he'll try for her trust anyway, useless goal that it is).


She just had to make the comment: blue, red, gray, the figure all too similar (she just had to bury the urge to rip the little masquerade to shreds).


There is a brief elaboration after his singular statement, to which Bumblebee tentatively sums up as "ex-girlfriend." Curtly, Optimus says "no;" he won't go into detail that they were more sharing Sentinel between the two of them, and would bond over shaking their heads when dealing with his own idiosyncrasies.


"Sentinel" is poison falling from her firm lips; it was an instinctive feeling--how dare he choose him over her (no one likes being replaced).


Wiry dot scurrying across the floor; Optimus instinctively, fearfully prepares to stomp the wretched creature out of existence.

But he pauses, and watches it crawl quickly out of his foot's shadow, how it shivered, how utterly small it was against his frame; it had more to fear from him, this spider. (Size makes all the difference, he knows--they were bigger than them in that forsaken pit too).

It takes an effort, but Optimus carefully carries the spider out of the building and deposits it in the wet grass.


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