OOC: RP Application (route_29)

Nov 20, 2009 13:09

Name: Tilly
Livejournal Username: princesstilly2
E-mail: belovedprincesstilly@hotmail.com
AIM/MSN: AIM//shadowti
Timezone: U.S. Central
Current Characters in Route: None

Name: Anise Tatlin
Series: Tales of the Abyss
Timeline: Right before entering Eldrant, the final dungeon.
Canon Resource Links: Tales of/Aselia Wiki || Anise Tatlin, TotA Wiki || Anise Tatlin, Namco Characters || Anise Tatlin.

Affiliation: Breeder

Personality: Despite appearing to be a young and innocent little girl, Anise is quite cunning and smart for her age, often using others for her own ulterior motives. Because she grew up a poor life in the church-city of Daath, she has an obsession for gaining and keeping money (especially since her sweet father ofter falls for scams and gives away the family's money). However, after journeying with her friends, the girl has learned not to worry so much about money, but rather about the people she cares about.

She uses her cute looks and charms to get whatever she wants (usually money or items). Anise is only fourteen years old, but is surprisingly mature for her age. She knows about the world and it's dangers, and knows how to protect herself if needed. Anise can be sly and underhanded at times, but she tries not to do that to her friends or family. Only those who are close to her ever see her true face and feelings, which she usually keeps to herself.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Anise is good at conning others and getting what she wants usually, but it doesn't work on people she's close to or family (who know her true feelings). She will try and stick to her word as much as she can, unless something more important comes up. She will defend her statements and opinions, even to the point of just being plain stubborn about it.

Anise is bad at letting others know how she really feels, and often hides behind a confident facade to reassure others. Being in love with quite close to Fon Master Ion, the girl doesn't like to share him with others, and wants to keep him all to herself. Her biggest fear is to be alone in the world, without any of her friends and family especially Ion. She definitely doesn't like to do things by herself.

Starter: Smoochum, because it's girly looks and charm match her perfectly. <3

Password: Salmon & Riceballs are oh so yummy~

((Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.))

First Person Sample: [The camera on the Pokegear shakes and shifts from side to side for several moments, while a frantic female voice yells in the background.]

No! Come back here with that, Iona! You're not supposed to play with the gear like that! Smooch, smooooochum! I mean it, you little brat!

[...And then the girl manages to snatch it back from the Pokemon, only to realize it was already on and recording.] Oh, crap! It's on! Um... [Anise stares into the lens for a few seconds, unsure of what to do or say.]

I'm Anise, and this is my Smoochum. We're, uh, on the edge of New Bark Town and... Oh, shoot, what am I supposed to say? That I just suddenly appeared her without a reason? That's so stup-


Third Person Sample (307 words): Anise put down the Pokegear with a sigh, watching as her newfound partner bounced and played in the tall grass, seemingly without a care in the world. Though she had gone through the manuals and talked with other newcomers, she still didn’t know what exactly to do. She was supposed to be back home, journeying through Eldrant to defeat Van once and for all, not wandering alone through a strange land with an even stranger creature!

“Smooochuuuum!” the Pokemon sang to itself as it rolled in a bright patch of flowers. Despite her situation, the girl smiled at the innocent sight. Appearing to sense its trainer’s sudden change of feelings, the little creature wobbled on over to her, looking up with large, puppy-dog like eyes.

Aww, who could ignore such cuteness as that?

“Come here, you cute thing,” Anise said, patting her crossed legs as an invitation for a cuddle. Smoochum gave a cheerful chirp and promptly hopped up into her lap, nuzzling its cartoonish features against her new clothes. She gently stroked its soft sides as she continued with her thoughts.

If only Ion was here- the girl stopped herself. He was gone and dead and would never be coming back. Never. Not even Florian could replace her dear, sweet Ion. She had only named the Pokemon ‘Iona’ because his had been the first name to spring to mind; the Fon Master would have loved the adorable being. But since the Smoochum was probably a girl (it totally looked female), adding an ‘a’ to the name fit much better.


Anise let out another loud sigh, being careful not to disturb Iona. If she was going to be stuck in this world for a while, she might as well try and fit in. Go with the flow. Or do whatever a Breeder was supposed to do.

!app, !ooc

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