flatery gets you everywhere

Jul 08, 2005 15:51

muppetNAMBLA55: i get yelled out for getting so drunk
ThrashinRat: well
muppetNAMBLA55: hah
ThrashinRat: i just do funny as shit
muppetNAMBLA55: like pee on lisas couch
ThrashinRat: haha
ThrashinRat: that ruled
muppetNAMBLA55: throw up on a girls head
ThrashinRat: also ruled
muppetNAMBLA55: spill beer on yourself and take off ur clothes
ThrashinRat: also rules
muppetNAMBLA55: hah
muppetNAMBLA55: pass out for 3249786387+ hours and wake up and forget what happened
ThrashinRat: stop your making me blush

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