Finals week and other craziness

Apr 25, 2007 10:58

This week and next week are going to dictate where I'm going to be for the summer and what I'm going to be doing. I have an interview with Lockheed Martin scheduled for next Tuesday. Of course, on campus housing closes at noon that day, so I had to file for an extension, but that wasn't too difficult since I already applied for summer housing. Thankfully, the area coordinator was very considerate, saying that I'd only to move once: either from here to my summer apartment, or here to back home (if I don't get hired). I'd really like to get the experience that would come along with working for this company.

I had my Computer Architecture final yesterday morning, which I think went pretty well. I feel pretty confident about passing this class (although it won't be a particularly good grade, probably a C). I also did a fourth official for the women's final yesterday, after I was requested by the other referees. That went well, no real problems. We also had a small party for my honors history class, which I arranged. Overall, yesterday was a pretty busy day. Today and tomorrow will be spent studying for Friday's Programming Languages final, and then I'll be doing games this weekend (and hopefully not getting a sunburn before the interview).

On top of everything else, I'm trying to find a way to see Kristen between the end of this semester and the beginning of the summer semester. If I do, I'll have to turn down the CFSL men's final that I've been assigned to, but I'm willing to make that sacrifice. Hopefully I can make it through these few hectic weeks intact.
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