I survived...

Dec 29, 2005 22:18

Well, here I am. I have actually survived the second DI sleepover that I have ever been too. It certainly was, intruiging although now I'm nothing more but fatigued. I'm happy to say, however, that we have gotten much accomplished. Rachel and Mike shall be pleased. Hopefully...
I seriously don't remember why I posted FIVE times yesterday. Such a waste of space. Perhaps I shall kill all of them, or maybe I'll just keep them there and wonder why the hell I did that. Tehe, I wonder if I even knew what I was doing. Anywho, yesterday was a blast! We actually all participated in an orgy. HAHAHAHA, yes, all of our left SOCKS were off. Nothing to really worry too much about, other than Tyler's interesting strip dance. SHOW THOSE ABS TY!!! xD The beauty of horrible truth and dare games, which ended up going absolutely no where, and everywhere at the same time. I'm not sure whether I should still be emotionally scarred for the rest of my life seeing Brian do things with a chair though...*curls up into a ball and dies* Yup, it's still going to rot my brian cells for the rest of all eternity.
I forgot a few things there though. Like my wallet, which is in my purse, which has volumes 1 and 4 of Full Metal Alchemist in it, and somewhere along the road I lost a sock.Oh, and then there are those gift certificates in my purse, like $20 to Hot Topic and $25 to Barnes and Noble. But you guys didn't just read that. It was all just figments of your imagination. SILLY HUMANS!!! Which is actually really funny because I have the other one (sock) sitting right here next to me, or maybe I'm wearing it. I know not anymore. Tehehe.
Wrath-kun and I played checkers today once I got home and we were done aimlessly texting each other rather than just crossing the hall and going into each others rooms. That was when I remembered that I'm not made of money. Lol. Oh well. But yeah, checkers. Really interesting game when you are totally sleep deprived. Like me. I'm hoping that maybe I won't have to babysit tommorow, because I want to sleep. And hang out at Logan's. Which isn't going to be very long...babysitting 4 children for 6 hours...imagine the dough, imagine all the fun!!! <3 I love kids sometimes!
I was thinking about just bringing the second SpiderMan movie, seeing as I haven't seen it, nor have they. I think that they would like that. I really hope we don't have Chineese food though. If I have one more god damned spoonful, I think I'll drop dead...again. Remind me not to eat that again alright guys? I like the food, but the food hates me and makes me stay in the bathroom for nights and nights. *cries* Makes your Greed-Sama very sad.
LOL. Just for all you guys that are actually following, I just so totally LOST THE GAME! Which probably made you guys loose the game as well. MWAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *does victory dance* Ok. Yeah, what was I going to say? Oh yeah, well, I lost the checkers game with Wrath-kun...I can't believe she won...she had 4 kings on the board while I only had 1. 1 lousy little king. Freaking 13 year old...I <3 YOU!!!!!! *glomps*
Well, I'm off to go find some more avatars or something. Maybe I'll right back. I'll be sure to write in this one though if I decide in doing what I had just said I would do. Wow, talk about your sleepy dead person rant.
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