Sep 24, 2009 03:22
Hi, I guess I'm new here so I should say hello on the networks- my name is Heracles Karpusi, and I joined the acadmey a day or so ago.
Looking at the brochure, there's alot of studies going on here, which is nice I guess, hope the atmosphere isn't as bustled as it's brochure is though, otherwise this could turn out to be something far less enjoyable than it could be for me.
Anyway, I know my big hitter will be history and philosphy, they are both passions of mine, passed down from my mother, so if anybody is in the histories, let me know and I'll give you a wave in class sometime. If not, might as well say hi anyway, I'll happily give you a wave back anyhow.
It seems there's been alot of bad vibes around the school- something about possessions and dark entities looking from peoples public entries... is that all still going on, or have things calmed down? Just want to make sure before I start extending my olive branches out- don't want to be giving one to no demons if you get what I mean.
Also, what does the fashion studies actually teach? Is it just about making clothes or is it about the history and the thinking behind them? I'm interested but I don't want to be wasting peoples time with a one-time appearance.