The story so far

May 15, 2006 22:26


So, it's done, finito, accompli. I am a college graduate. Through all the rain and fun, I made it, safe and sound, though slightly soggy (but that builds character doesn't it?). All-university commencement was interesting, got the joy of sitting next to CD (we lined up however we wanted), so we had lots of fun there. The ceremony was cut in half, aside from the speeches being truncated, I suspect that all the videos they were going to show got cut. But still, the speeches were good, Leslie Moonves had a great speech, even when cut down, the student speaker was internally hilarious. His speech? Meh. Really, on the whole, not the most enjoyable. But, the crux was him talking about getting a free cookie and coffee from some students at 11 pm on the way to the library in December to study for finals. Now, you may be wondering, who would sit out in the freezing cold to do such a thing, where is the ulterior motive? Exactly what CD and I were thinking. And the speaker thought a little about it himself...just a little. He focused on his internal feelings, and he said that as he was walking away, he was feeling inexplicably happy and reassured and he said that he realized what was in the cookie and coffee...and he paused, and I turned to CD and I said "it was pot". Everyone around us started laughing, because it had to be what they were thinking (heck, my parents were thinking it, too!). In truth, it wasn't pot in those cookies that made him happy, it was some other random stuff that wasn't nearly as exiting or climatic (nor comical).

Anyways, that aside, and having changed into drier apparel, I had the SED graduation in the afternoon. That was thankfully inside (not that I don't mind rain, or 4" of it per day...but still, there comes a time...). It was enjoyable, we all sat in big rows and watched as everyone strode by. I managed to get my camera in there with me (it's an SLR, no easy feat, thankfully, I was wearing cargo shorts!), so I got to snap pictures of a couple of my friends as they went up from my seat. Sadly, CD (a photo I would have treasured) did not make it into the many of you remember, there's the cheesy official photographer that does his classic handshake shot with big flash. I managed to snap my shot of CD at the exact time that nasty flash went off. So I have a beautiful outline of her face, but it's completely white and washed out. With Photoshop I can make out her right eye and some ear shadow, but I can't recover the shot I wanted. Oh well. We got a picture together at the end, so that's good.

A good ceremony all in all. Glad I went, glad I graduated. Wonderful memories of BU, and of course some "I wish I had"s (no details for you!). Hindsight, eh?

Oh! one thing I forgot to mention, pre-graduation. Guess what I did on Saturday night? I went to the Boston Pops. Guess who directed the Boston Pops? Wrong. It was John Williams. Yes, that John Williams. It was a wonderful evening. I was on the first balcony right up by the stage, he was nary 30 feet away from binoculars needed to see it all with wonderment. I will of course skip all commentary on his composership, etc.

And beyond that...things are okay. I'm all moved out of the dorm, $240 to ship it all home UPS...but at least it will all get there. Leaving for Scotland on Wednesday, beautiful pictures to be had, some to be posted here for wonderment, amazement, and consuming by all (followed by wiping hands on pants, and repeating, of course).

And now, bed. I'm pooped.

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