Jan 18, 2009 11:51
Here are several reasons to be excited about 2009:
* The long-overdue departure of George Bush -- Thus ends eight years of America's Stockholme syndrome-like relationship with its government.
* The inspiring advent of Obama -- We are damn lucky to have him; we need a man like him at a time like this. Thank heavens McCain didn't win.
* My father's excellent progress -- He's recovering nicely from his knee reconstruction. Soon, he will be much more capable and mobile than he has been in years, and thus happier. (And less in need of me.)
* Transformers goodness -- "TF2: Revenge of the Fallen" hits theaters this year, AND Don Figueroa (the best TF artist ever) returns to TF comics this year after a much-too-long hiatus.
* The inevitable return of the great white dope -- It's a song by the Bloodhound Gang, and it's all about me. I'm going back to Cali, Cali, Cali. I'm going back to Cali... I DO think so. Heh. Another song.
* Iron Man's martyrdom in good hands -- I may not be down with Dark Reign, but I am very happy with Matt Fraction's handling of Tony's painful but necessary perscution > death > rebirth.
* The great mind meld -- My most talented and wonderful friends merging, Voltron-like, to launch a new venture which will make the world a better place for everyone (including them).
There are many more, but these are some of the highlights. So goodbye 2K8, and bring '09 on!!!