A year left!
Aren't you guys tired of waiting to vote for a new president? This is an ordinary Canadian asking. Isn't this getting a little old for you!
I know it's interesting stuff in some cases, but if this lenghthy campaining happened in Canada, people would rebel. Then again, I'm not sure. We Canadians are pretty easy going, that is, we put up with a lot of political crap already. At least I can say we take only about two months of campaigning before the people vote. Yes, they do campaign sometimes in between when they need to keep us happy and they can't.
No matter how you look at things, we oppose something or we are told by opposition parties that we must oppose one issue over another.
By the time you guys get to pick another president you might be involved in another war - like Iraq! - if Bush has his way or you may get tired of the candidates in the lead ten times before the election actually happens.
Who decided to make things drag on this way, I'd like to know. The earth could explode. We could run out of water resources. We could see a new Pope. Jesus could come again.