Aug 25, 2010 15:09
I gave blood (platelets) again on Saturday. It will probably be a while before I do that again; I didn't really recover until late Sunday.
Aikido has been going fairly well, though I feel less prepared for this test than I did for the last one. One of the better senior students tries to run practice tests for us novices, but scheduling has been harder this time - and I'm one of two people scheduled to test this round. Last time there were something like five black belt tests, a nikyu test, and me. This time it's me and one sandan candidate, unless someone else signs up in the next few weeks.
I've been sitting on a number of unwritten rants, too frustrated to get any of them fully realized.
Prop 8. Because bigotry has always worked out before.
Teabaggers. Guys, Ron Paul is looking sane and rational next to you these days.
Ground Zero Mosque. Not at ground zero, not a mosque, not something I should be forced to care about.
Education policy, politics, and the marketability of incompetence. Education and politics are two areas where saying "I'm an amateur with no fucking clue" somehow makes you better qualified in the public eye.
Everywhere I look, I see stupid people.