May 07, 2009 12:35
I forgot to mention that I was relieved to note that Republicans will agree to confirm a pro-choice HHS secretary when pigs fly. I've decided that snark never gets old.
A recent review of Shadow Valley by Steven Barnes is quite positive, but to me striking for one thing. It implies that genre fiction, specifically SF/F is somehow unworthy literature, unlike the work of Jean Auel. Now, I read one of Jean Auel's prehistory books, because I was taken sick in a place where it was that or old Reader's Digest condensed works. I understand the appeal - you can pretend you're not reading bad erotica, you're reading bad prehistory fiction instead. I just don't understand how those books are more literature than 1984, The Tempest, or, for a more current work, Farthing.
I've been following the "Specter of republican fail" story with mixed emotions. Like most politicians, I disagree strongly with some of the positions of the Senator from Pennsylvania. On one thing I agree, though - the Republicans are moving strongly to the right, and in order to look "centrist", the Dems have been trotting along in their wake. Patriot act, shielding the telecoms, DOMA, the welfare "reform" bill, GWB's "thanks for the money" bankruptcy bill.... The list of real issues on which the Dems have cowered to the right rather than stand up for our rights is rather stunning, when you think back on it. Specter hasn't become a democrat; the democrats are rapidly becoming Arlen Specter. This is not a good thing.
It does bring up an interesting question, though. I've been wondering if the republican party is going to fracture, splitting off the Taliban Republicans (!Joe the !Plumber for king President!)? If so, will we have to face the fact that we've created a closed two-party system no more flexible than a one-party system? Who gets the Republican party's special, protected access to the ballots?