Nov 08, 2004 01:56
Damn, after signing up and everything i feel like i just took the SAT's again, F' That. Second Downside is that i had to throw VW at the end of GreatPenguin, im gonna go on a mission to kill whoever has the name GreatPenguin, because i want him dead, thats only for me. I felt that everyone else had a journal so i wanted one so i could be in the cool crowd. Just like my new smoker friend Nicole! I had an awesome time ;-), even tho now im hoped up on coffee and coke, and thats why i have the free time to start this thing, seems no one is up at 2am on sunday to talk to me.
Went back to work this weekend because i am starting to go flat broke, something about my bad spending habbits.. o well, worked out for the best, met Nicole (for the second time) and my new steak n shake crew friends. Happy Birthday boy.
Once i got home from my 60 min journey back from "The shake" i had some insightfull conversation with Mr. Davy ,aka "Saftey Monkey" AH HAHA THATS RIHGT "ROFL" "ROFL", about car chicks, this is the out-come we came up with: car crazy chicks are too wild to be tamed, are really hard to find, and are like crack crazed mustang horses, But you know, whats more fun to ride than a crack crazed mustang? That is the question i ask you.
Well, for now thats all you get im gonna go throw down some rufie colada and make myself fall asleep, even if i dont go to my 9 o'clock i have to be on campus at 10 so i can be turned into a big fat (because im a fat ass) cardboard cutout, so the crazy theater kids can pose me and take full advantage of me on the stage. I might have to sneek in and make sure my cutout hasn't been abused, i know im sexy, so im worried people will get to upset for not having the real thing so they will take out their anger on the cutout, then i will have to press charges. Alright, sorry if you thought i would actually give you some insite into my life, if you want that you'll have to ask nicely. Very Very nicley, and it might have to involve some sexual favors. Well, now that i have another outlet here, maybe if you ask you will get some actual insight, or nothing else im sure i'll leave some drunk posts? My two weeks are up, so... Now Leave Me some feed, back let me know i have some friends out there, even if its HATE feedback, becuase i wanna be able to hate you too!. Later Kids, Chain Smoking 4 Life!
Current Grades:
^ Thats right, not a full time student... leaves time for many trips back to Indy, only for you tho ;-)